Phuket Property: Be careful who you believe

Phuket Property: Be careful who you believe
Be careful who you believe...
It could cost you a lot of money.? What am I talking about? Let me explain.
The other day my client went to see a property developer in Phuket on his own.
The developer showed him a few properties, but they were not what he was looking for.
You see, he wanted to look at villas.
But the developer only wanted to show him condos - his own un-sold stock.
So, he asked about some re-sale properties he?d seen on the Internet.
The developer told him...
"Nobody is selling, all the owners are really happy.? They don't want to sell".
He was surprised and a little confused.
So he showed the developer a print out of a re-sale villa he'd found on the Internet.
But, the developer still insisted there were none for sale.
Later he went to see another developer.
And the same thing happened...
"There are no re-sales.? And if there were they'd be much more expensive as the buyer would want to make a premium".
By now
Phuket Property: Be careful who you believe
he was starting to smell a rat.
So, he called me.
I told him there were in fact 6 re-sale villas on the first estate and even more on the second.
Plus, many of the owners were keen to sell. So the prices were good.
He was obviously annoyed that he been lied to.
But let's face it, if the developer still has his own properties to sell he won't give two hoots about selling yours.
It is direct competition. And if you are undercutting him - that is a big problem.
I know several owners who have had their fingers burnt like this.
They signed exclusive agreements with the developer to sell their properties.
But, surprise, surprise - they got no interest in their property at all.
Effectively, it helps developers to get the competition out of the way - at least in their own resort.
Unfortunately, it doesn't end there...
I know one developer who tells would-be buyers that there are no freehold apartments available.
There are.
And they are on sale for less than his prices.
But obviously he doe
Phuket Property: Be careful who you believe
sn't want you to know that.?? ?
It surprises me that resale owners don't realise this.
They think the developer is the best person to sell their property.
But the chances are he won't even tell anyone the property is on the market.
Then he can continue charging his inflated prices.
So if you want to find the best deals, don't ask the developer.
Remember he is only interested in selling you his own properties.
Use someone who will show you the developer's properties and the re-sales.
It won't cost you any extra.
In fact, I am confident I can save you quite a lot of money.
And if you want access to the very best deals in Phuket - the ones that sell so fast they don't make it onto our website - just reply to me with the word ?insider' and you will be the first to hear about them (no obligation, of course).